Friday, July 4, 2014

DMV Written Test

To obtain a California driver's license you must pass a written exam consisting of multiple-choice questions. If you're 18 and over, there are 36 questions and you can get up to 6 wrong. If you're 18 and under, there are 46 questions and you can get up to 8 wrong. There are several different versions of the test, but they all use the same basic pool of questions.

Memorize the brief list of facts below and you should do fine:

  1. Before you change lanes, you should... check your mirrors and look over your shoulder.
  2. If you want to pass a bicyclist riding on the right edge of your lane, you should... allow a minimum of 3 feet between you and the cyclist.
  3. If an uncontrolled railroad crossing is ahead and you can't see clearly if any trains are coming, the speed limit is...15 mph.
  4. A child passenger restraint system is required for...a five-year old weighing 55 pounds.
  5. If you want to go into a store to make a quick purchase, you should...Stop the engine and set the parking brake.
  6. You should check your rearview mirrors...often to see how traffic is moving behind you.
  7. When approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal light turns yellow, you should...stop before entering the intersection, if you can do so safely.
  8. It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is... 0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent or higher.
  9. If you want to pass a bicyclist in a narrow traffic lane when an oncoming car is approaching...Slow down and let the car pass, then pass the bicyclist.
  10. When driving on a slippery surface such as snow or ice...Shift to a low gear before going down steep hills.
  11. If you are driving on a two-way street and you want to turn left at an upcoming corner, give the right-of-way to... Vehicles coming towards you.
  12. When you see a vehicle stopped on the right shoulder of the road ahead with its hazard lights on, slow down and pass very carefully.
  13. Vehicles displaying a diamond-shaped sign... must stop before crossing railroad tracks.
  14. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you...sell or transfer your vehicle.
  15. It helps to improve traffic flow if you... do not slow down to look at an accident scene.
  16. Bridges freeze first when wet.
  17. It is a proper use of vehicle lights to... use low beams during the day on narrow country road.
  18. If you were parked and have been waiting a long time in heavy traffic with your turn signal on to re-enter traffic...continue waiting and yielding to traffic in the lane.
  19. Allow extra space in front of your vehicle... when following a motorcycle.
  20. It is legal to drive with an open alcoholic beverage container if the container the trunk.
  21. You must show proof of insurance to law enforcement...if you are involved in an accident or stopped for a citation.
  22. If there is a double solid yellow line dividing opposite lanes of traffic, you may...cross over the lines to make a left turn from or into a side street.
  23. It is a safe driving practice to...check your rearview mirrors frequently.
  24. You can make a right turn at a solid red light after you check for pedestrians and other traffic if you... stop first and if there is no sign to prohibit the turn.
  25. When parking downhill on a two-way road with no curb, turn your front wheels… Right - towards the side of the road.
  26. You may drive across a sidewalk to... enter or exit a driveway or alley.
  27. When merging onto a freeway, you should be or near the same speed as the freeway traffic
  28. If you want to turn right and your driving lane is next to a bicycle lane, merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn.
  29. When you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do, drive to the right edge of the road and stop.
  30. If you drive 55 mph in a 55 mph zone, you can be given a speeding ticket…If road or weather conditions require a slower speed.
  31. If the driver ahead of you stops at a crosswalk, stop, then proceed when all pedestrians have crossed.
  32. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you Sell or transfer your vehicle.
  33. You see a car approaching from the rear. When you check your mirror again to change lanes but you no longer see the car. You should Look over your shoulder to be sure the car isn't in your blind spot.
  34. You park your carat the curb on a level two-way street. Before getting out of your car, you should Look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle.
  35. It's yours responsibility is it to know how your medications affect your driving?
  36. You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. You should continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop. 
  37. If a driver looks like he or she is going to pull out in front of you, the safest thing to do is Slow or stop your car and use your horn
  38. If you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy fog and your wipers do not help, you should: Pull off the road completely until visibility improves. 
  39. A red and white sign that reads “Do Not Enter” means: You may not enter the road from your direction 
  40. It is very foggy, you should slowdown, turn on your windshield wipers, and your Low beam lights
  41. Which of these is a legal U-turn?: On a highway where there is a paved opening for a turn
  42. You are driving 55 mph on a two-lane highway, one lane in each direction, and want to pass the car ahead of you. To pass safely, you need to have a large enough gap in the oncoming traffic.
  43. Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks? : Pedestrians always have the right-of-way
  44. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is Illegal at all times.
  45. A yellow sign with the picture of a pedestrian means: There is a pedestrian crosswalk ahead
  46. If five or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two-lane road: Pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass.
  47. When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle: Never turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle
  48. You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle: Under no circumstances
  49. You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction: The speed limit is:15 mph
  50. When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street:Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb.
  51. When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.
  52. A white painted curb means: Loading zone for passengers or mail only.
  53. A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing.You should: Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.
  54. California's "Basic Speed Law" says: You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.
  55. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about : 10 to 15 seconds.
  56. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last __100__ feet before the turn.
  57. Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
  58. You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must Leave a note on the vehicle. AND Report the Accident without delay to city police or in unincorporated areas to the CHP.
  59. Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential district is 25 mph.
  60. You may legally block an intersection: Under no circumstances.
  61. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curbs, your front wheels should be: Turned to the right (away from the street).
  62. With a Class C drivers license a person may drive: A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds.
  63. To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should turn from: The lane closest to the left curb.
  64. If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV: If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries.
  65. Roadways are most slippery: The first rain after a dry spell
  66. You may not park your vehicle: Next to a red painted curb
  67. Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart: May not be crossed for any reason.
  68. You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should: Signal for 100 feet before turning
  69. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive: No faster than 65 mph.
  70. It is illegal to park your vehicle: In an unmarked crosswalk.
  71. The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellphones and driving is: Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel.
  72. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
  73. You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should: Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.
  74. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards: At all times.
  75. It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your: Headlights.
  76. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should: Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.
  77. If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will: Increase your chances of an accident.
  78. Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks? Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.
  79. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if: Traffic on the street moves to the left.
  80. A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck: May have to swing wide to complete the right turn.
  81. You may cross a double, yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to: Your side of the road is a broken line.
  82. At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming.
  83. You drive defensively when you: Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards
  84. You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive: Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle.
  85. All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?: Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears.
  86. Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when: You don't have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks.
  87. Should you always drive slower than other traffic? No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
  88. You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions: At all times.
  89. When can you drive in a bike lane? When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right.
  90. You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means: Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
  91. There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. You should: Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street.
  92. A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles: Next to the broken line may pass.

  93. It is legal to use a cell phone without hands-free device *for emergency reasons*.
  94. Which of these statements ... is true: *most cold medications can make a person drowsy*.
  95. When you change lanes or merge, you need *at least 4 second gap in traffic*.
  96. Cargo extending more than 4ft from your rear bumper *must be marked with a red flag or lights*.
  97. The speed limit in any alley is *15mph*.
  98. A peace office is signalling you to drive to the edge of the roadway, but you ignore his warning and flee. You can be *jailed in the county jail for not more than 1 year*.
  99. You should stop before railroad tracks *any time a train may be approaching, whether or not you can see it*.
  100. If you see a pedestrian with guide dog or white cane waiting to cross at a corner, you should: *pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine*.
  101. If you are towing another vehicle or trailer on a freeway with 4 lanes in your direction, you may travel in: Either of the 2 right lanes.
  102. When driving near road construction zones, you should: Pass the construction zone carefully and avoid "rubbernecking"
  103. If you approach an intersection without a stop sign or signals, you: should slow down and be ready to stop if necessary
  104. You Should usually drive your vehicle more carefully when you -- Are near schools,playgrounds,and in residential areas.
  105. If you are involved in an accident, exchange with other persons involved -- Licence Information,Proof of insurance,vehicle registration,and curent address.
  106. Do not cross double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to-- Pass other vehicles.
  107. Where should you stop your vehicle if thee is no crosswalk or limit line--At the corner.
  108. There is one lane in your direction and the vehicle ahead of you often slows down for no apparent reason.In this situation you should -- Increase the following distance between you and other vehicle.
  109. Use your high-bean headlights at night-- whenever it is legal and safe.
  110. You are involved in a minor collision at an intersection there are no injuries and very little damage you should
  111. Move your vehuicle out of the traffic lane if possible
  112. Backing your vehicle is Always dangerous
  113. You are on the freeway and traffic is merging into your lane you should : Make room for merging traffic if possible
  114. If you are riding in a car equipped with a lap and shoulder belt you are required to wear: Both lap and shoulder belts
  115. When driving on a multilane street with two way traffic: You should drive ahead or behind the other vehicles
  116. When parking next to a curb you should use your turn signals: When pulling next to or away from the curb
  117. You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on the left who has the right of way?: You have the right of way
  118. A flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means : Slow down and be alert at upcoming intersection
  119. A flashing red light at an intersection means: Stop before entering
  120. To turn left from a one way street with multiple lanes onto a two way street start the turn at the far left lane
  121. for which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle? ... solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked-out traffic signals
  122. which of these statements is true about child passengers? ... children under the age one should not ride in the front seat in airbag-equipped vehicles
  123. two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled "T" intersection. one vehicle is on the through road and the other is on the road that ends. who has the right-of-way at the intersection? ... the vehicle on the through road
  124. the speed limit for a school zone where children are present is ____. ... 25 mph
  125. A peace officer is signaling you to drive to the edge of the roadway. you decide to ignore the officer's warning and flee the scene. you are guilty of a misdemeanor and can be punished by being: ... jailed in the county jail for not more than one year.
  126. which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications? ... most cold medications can make a person drowsy
  127. Instructions from school crossing guard must be obeyed: ... at all times
  128. Trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size
  129. If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead, you should: ... avoid the puddle, if possible
  130. You should adjust your rear view and side view mirrors: ... before you start driving
  131. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: ... illegal at all times
  132. You must make a written report of traffic accident occurring in california (sr 1) to dmv if you: ... are involved in a collision and there is more than $750 in damage
  133. You are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle: and failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket
  134. you are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. you should: ... pull to the right in the intersection and stop
  135. you are on a two-way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. you may legally pass on the right: ... if there is enough road between the curb and the vehicle
  136. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection: ... stay out id the intersection and wait until trafic clears
  137. which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists? ... motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists
  138. You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. you are driving in: ... an exit lane
  139. when driving near road work zones, you should: ... pass the work zone carefully and avoid "rubbernecking"
  140. If five or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two-lane road: ... drive into the turnout areas or lanes to let them pass
  141. which of these are a legal u-turn? ... on a divided highway where there is a paved opening for a turn
  142. you see a car approaching from the rear. when you check your mirror again to change lanes, you no longer see the car: ... look over your shoulder to be sure the car isn't in your blind spot:
  143. if you are towing another vehicle or trailer on a freeway with four lanes in your direction, you may travel in: either of the two right lanes
  144. you are approaching a sharp curve in the road. you should; ... start braking before you enter the curve
  145. when parking on any hill, always set your parking brake and: ... leave you r vehicle in gear or the "park" position
  146. all children under age six riding in your vehicle must use a child passenger restraint system unless: ... they weigh 60 pounds or more and wear a safety belt
  147. this yellow sign means: ... there is a pedestrian crossing ahead
  148. this lane in the middle of a two-way street is used to: ... begin or end left turns, or start a permitted u-turn
  149. it is a good habit to signal continuously during the last 100 feet before you turn at an intersection: ... even if you do not see any other vehicles around
  150. when sharing the road with a light rail vehicle: ... never turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle
  151. you are driving at night on a dimly lit street and using high beams. you should dim your lights when you are within 500 feet of: ... a vehicle approaching you from behind
  152. allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a: ... large tour bus
  153. even if you know your vehicle can maneuver a sharp curve at the legal speed limit, you should still slow down because: ... there may be a stalled car or collision ahead that you can't see
  154. you park your car at the curb on a level two-way street. before getting out of your car, you should: ... look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle
  155. who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks? ... pedestrians always have the right-of-way
  156. if you approach a curve or the top of a hill and you do not have a clear view of the road ahead, you should: ... slow down so you can stop if necessary
  157. which of the following is true about safety belts and collisions? ... they increase your chances of survival in most types of collisions
  158. if you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy fog and your wipers do not help, you should: ... pull off the road completely until visibility improves
  159. You should increase the distance between your car and the vehicle ahead when you........are being tailgated by another driver.
  160. U-turns in business districts only at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them.
  161. If you are convicted of driving with an excessive blood alcohol concentration(BAC), you may be sentenced to serve........up to six months in jail.

  162. When you see this yellow sign (cross within a circle and two "R's") you......are approaching a railroad crossing; prepare to stop.
  163. When you see this red and white sign (an eight-sided figure with STOP written), you should stop and......check traffic in all directions before proceeding.
  164. When you want to turn left at an upcoming corner, give the right-of-way to:......all approaching vehicles.
  165. Check your rearview mirrors......often to see how traffic is moving behind you.
  166. You enter a designated turn lane to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection. There is oncoming traffic. You should......signal before you arrive at the intersection.
  167. Your driving lane is next to a bicycle lane. You want to make it right turn at the upcoming intersection. You......must merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn.
  168. You are approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal light turns yellow. You should......stop before entering the intersection, if you can do so safely.
  169. There are five vehicles following closely behind you on a road with one lane in your direction. When you see this white sign (square saying "slower traffic use turnouts") you to the side of the road into the designated area.
  170. You see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. The person takes a step back and pulls in his cane. You should......stop and then proceed through the intersection because the person is not ready to cross.
  171. You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction. If you need to make a U-turn, where should you start?....In the left lane.
  172. You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center divider. To exit the freeway on the right you should....Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane.
  173. Which of these is true about other drivers?....Never assume other drivers will give you the right-of-way.
  174. What is the best advise for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs?....Try not to drive until the conditions improve.
  175. On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle... Before you enter the curve.
  176. It is legal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle....If the child is supervised by a person 12 years or older.
  177. Turn your front wheels toward the curb when you park ....Facing downhill
  178. Always look carefully for motorcycles before you make a turn because....their smaller size makes them harder to see
  179. Driving slowly in front of traffic in the far left (fast) lane on a freeway... Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry
  180. If the road is wet from a heavy rain, you should... Increase the distance between your vehicle and the car ahead
  181. When driving a vehicle with air bags, you are safest when seated... At least 10 inches away from the steering wheel
  182. You are being chased by a police vehicle with its light and sirens activated. You ignore the warning to stop and speed away. During the chase, a person is seriously injured. You are subjected to... Imprisonment in a state prison for up to seven years
  183. Orange-colored road signs warn you of... Road workers or road equipment ahead
  184. In California, anyone who drives a motor vehicle has consented to take a chemical test for the alcohol content of his or her blood, breath, or urine... If asked by a law enforcement
  185. Large trucks are most likely to lose speed and cause a hazard... Going up long or steep hills
  186. If you cannot stop safely at a yellow traffic light, you should... Enter the intersection cautiously and continue across
  187. When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle, you... Should monitor all traffic signals closely because light rail vehicles can interrupt traffic signals
  188. Driving along the right-rear side of another vehicle is... Dangerous because you're probably in one of the driver's blind spots
  189. To help avoid skidding on slippery surfaces you should .... Slow down before entering curves and intersections.
  190. You are driving and there are oncoming cars on your left and a row of parked cars on your right. You should steer: ... A middle course between the oncoming and parked cars.
  191. Yellow lines separate: ... Traffic moving in opposite directions on a two-way road.
  192. Three of the most important times to check traffic behind you are before: ... Backing, changing lanes, or slowing down quickly.
  193. A safety zone is a specially marked area for passengers to get on or off buses or trolleys. You may not drive through a safety zone: ... At any time or for any reason.
  194. Which of these statements is true about drinking alcohol and driving?: ... Alcohol affects judgement, which is needed for driving safely.
  195. You can be fined up to 1000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for Dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway.
  196. It is illegal to leave a child six years of a ge or younger unattended in a motor vechile: when the keys are in ignition.
  197. you are driving at night on a dimly lit street and using high beams. you should dim your lights when you are within 500 feet of : An oncoming vehicle
  198. You are approaching a sharp curve in the road you should : start breaking before you enter the curve.
  199. Car parked on any hill. always set your parking brake and : leave your vehicle in gear or the "park" position.
  200. Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a : large tour bus.
  201. To see vehicles in your blind spots, you must-turn your head
  202. When driving near construction zones, you should-reduce speed and be prepared to stop.
  203. You can be fined up to $1,000 an jailed for 6 months if you are cited for-dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway.
  204. Other drivers are not making room for you to merge onto a freeway with heavy traffic. if necessary, you may-stop before merging with freeway traffic.
  205. for the first 12 months after you are licensed, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian if you-transport minors between the hours of 11pm and 5am.
  206. It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is -o.01% one hundredth of one percent- or more. (this 1 tricks you! so be careful)
  207. This yellow sign (a diamond shaped sign with a plus sign inside)means-another road crosses yours ahead.
  208. When driving in the far right lane of a freeway. you-should expect merging vehicles at on-ramps.
  209. You are approaching an uncontrolled intersection. you-should slow down and be ready to stop.
  210. If 5 or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two-lane road-pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass.
  211. If you approach a curve or the top of a hill and you do not have a clear view of tne road ahead, you should-slow down so you can stop if necessary.
  212. You can be fined up to $1000 and jailed for six months if you are sited for: Dumping or abandoning an animal on a hwy.
  213. When changing lanes on a freeway, you should:Signal for at least five seconds.
  214. Bicycle:
    1. Maintain minimum distance of 3ft from bicycle.
    2. While making right, merge to bicycle lane 200ft, ensure to give sufficient space to any bicycle rider.
    3. Bicycle rider 
      1. should be visible from 300 ft in front.
      2. rear red reflector should be visible from 500 ft.
      3. while / yellow reflector on pedal or bicyclist shoe / ankle should be visible from 200 ft.
  215. Motorcycle:
    1. Maintain 4 sec gap for motorcycle riders.
    2. Motorcycle - Lane splitting - not illegal but unsafe.
  216. Exists:
    1. Go to proper lane.
    2. 5 sec before reading exit
    3. proper speed for leaving traffic lane - not too fast or not too slow.
  217. Speed Limit:
    1. School: 25 mph, some school: 15 mph
      1. School Bus violation: $ 1000 or 1 year in prision.
    2. Blind Intersection (not able to see 100 ft in either direction): 15 mph
    3. Alley: 15 mph
    4. Near rail road track (without gates - cannot see 400 ft): 15 mph - 100 ft from rail road crossing.
    5. Streetcars, Trolley, Buses: 10 mph 
    6. Residential: 25 mph
  218. Parking:
    1. Parallel parking:
      1. 3 ft longer that vehicle.
      2. 2 ft away from & bumper inclined
        1. First steering toward curb.
        2. Then away from curb.
      3. ensure both tires remain inside 18 inches to curb.
    2. hill / steep parking:
      1. down hill: inclined your tires toward the curb.
      2. uphill: inclined your tires away from curb.
    3. White: stop for pickup or drop off passenger.
    4. Green: limited time parking
    5. Yellow: stop no longer than posted time.
    6. Red: no stopping at any time.
    7. Blue: Parking for disabled - violators - 6 months Jail and / or $ 1000 penalty
    8. No parking 7 1/2 ft from rail road track.
    9. In case need to park on freeway, pull out of lanes - make it visible 200 ft and remain inside vehicle.
  219. Headlight:
    1. Headlight on: adverse weather conditions (fog, frost, cloud, rain, snow, dust, smoke) or visibility less than 1000 ft.
    2. Mountain roads: headlight on during day time.
    3. bring them on, when necessary to get another driver attention.
    4. turn them on.. 30 mins after sunset
    5. leave then on until.. 30 mins before sunrise.
    6. Dim your light to low beam 
      1. 500 ft vehicle coming toward you.
      2. 300 ft vehicle your are following.
  220. Horn:
    1. narrow mountain road & you cannot see 200 ft ahead of your vehicle.
  221. Turns:
    1. Left Turn:
      1. Left turn signal during last 100 ft before making turn.
      2. check left. right and left
      3. wheel should be straight.
    2. Right Turn:
      1. Right turn signal during last 100 ft before making turn.
      2. safely use bicycle lane 200 ft for making turn.
    3. U-Turn:
      1. Residential: check 200 ft no vehicle approaching you.
  222. Driving tactics:
    1. Pull-Push Steering: Pull with one hand.. push with other hand.
    2. Hand-over-hand Steering: Sharp right turn, backing and skid.
    3. One-hand-Steering: Info, backing, safety and comfort.
  223. Driving License:
    1. DMV Test Include:
      1. Vision Test:
      2. A test of traffic law and road signs:
      3. Behind-the-wheel driving test if required.
    2. License C-Class:
      1. 2 axle - 26000 lbs or less
      2. 3 axle - 6000 lbs or less
      3. House car: 40 ft or less
      4. 3 wheel motorcycle
      5. vanpool vehicle designed to carry 10 person but not more than 15 person including driver.
    3. Visitors 18 years older: can drive till their DL valid.
    4. Visitor 16-18 years: can drive for 10 days.
    5. Minor License: 
      1. Must be 15 1/2 - 18 years years older
      2. DL-44, parent , guardian, if joint custody then both parents sign the documents.
      3. Must complete Driving Education
      4. Must complete Training Progarm
      5. Accompany with adult - 25 years of age or older.
      6. 50 % of violation drivers between 15-19 years, speeding , loss of vehicle, fatal accident chances are 2 1/2 times than average drivers ( 18 years or older).
      7. Alcohol or DUI (Driving under Influence): 13-21 years - DMV suspend your DL for 1 year or delay by a year.
      8. Warnings:
        1. 1st Incident: 1 warning
        2. 2nd Incident: 30 days suspend (with 25 years older)
        3. 3 rd incident: suspend for 6 months.
  224. Financial Responsibility:
    1. Motor vehicle liability insurance policy.
    2. A deposit of $ 35000 with DMV
    3. A surety bond of $ 35K from company licensed to do business in CA.
    4. A DMV issued self-insurance certificates:
      1. $15K single death or injury.
      2. $30K death or injury of more than one person.
      3. $5k for property damage.
  225. Collision on your record:
    1. property damage of more than $750 in either party.
    2. Injured or dies.
    3. Points:
      1. 4 point - 12 months
      2. 6 point - 24 months
      3. 8 point - 36 months
    4. Court can cancel your DL for up to 2 years for person in vandalism or graffiti or delay by 3 years.
  226. Evading a police officer- 1 year,  body injury in police pursuit - 3, 5, 7 years in state or less than a year in county Jail.
  227. Drugged Driving Law:
    1. BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) : 
      1. 0.08 % or more
      2. 0.04 % or more for commercial vehicle
      3. 0.01 % if under 21
        1. substract 0.01 % for each 40 min of drinking.
      4. 1 drink = 1.5 oz 80 poof liquor, 12 oz.. 5 % beer or 5 oz 12 % wine.
      5. Only un-opened, sealed container can be kept inside vehicle, opened can be kept inside unreachable trunk.
      6. Under 21 years: alcohol cannot be kept inside vehicle. $1000, suspended driving privilege or delay by a year.
      7. DUI (Driving under Influence)
        1. 0.01 % or higher: suspend for a year
        2. 0.05 % or higher: suspension and DUI arrest: 6 months Jail and file - $390-$1000 ( 3 times fine in penalty assessment).
    2. Designated Driver Program: Designated driver should not drink and is responsible for all other passenger in vehicle.
    3. Do not smoke at any time when the minor is in the vehicle, you can be fined up to $ 100.
  228. Few Do nots:
    1. Do not dump or abandon animal on highway- $1000 and/or 6 months Jail.
    2. Do not carry anything in or on a passenger vehicle which extends beyond the fender on left side or more than 6 inches beyond the fender on right side, cargo extending more than 4 feet from the back of vehicle, must display red or fluorescent orange square flag.
    3. Do not leave child or animal alone in vehicle.
    4. Littering will be fined by $ 1000 and you will be forced to pick up.
    5. Do not drive a vehicle equipped with a video monitor is visible to driver and display anything other than vehicle information, MP3 , GPS or satellite Radio.
    6. Do not drive any vehicle into designated wilderness area.
    7. Peace officer, bus, streetcar , trolley: you may pass not more than 10 mph.
    8. Do not overtake or pass any light rail vehicle or streetcar on the left side whether it is moving or standing.
    9. It's illegal to follow 300 ft behind any fire engine, police vehicle, ambulance or other emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights.
    10. NEV: Neighbor Electricity vehicle
    11. LSV: Low speed vehicle
  229. Few Dos:
    1. Move over and slow down for emergency vehicle.
    2. Inform DMV if you lost of driving license.
    3. Name change - update SSA before coming to DMV
    4. Update address within 10 days when you move, new card will not issue for change of address.

Reference: DMV Handbook.


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