Saturday, July 19, 2014

Apple important Shortcuts & Tricks

  1. Command + Delete to delete a file, Command + Shift + Delete to delete it permanently even from Trash, Command+Shift+Option+Delete : means delete without confirmation dialog even from trash.
  2. Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers: press Control + Click [Permanently Changes: Preferences > 'Security & Privacy’ > click unlock at the bottom > to allow it by default.]
  3. Command +Control + Power Button : Force Mac to restart
  4. Command + Shift + 3: capture screen to a file
  5. Command + Shift + Control + 3: capture screen to clipboard
  6. Command + Shift + 4: Capture a selection of screen to a file, or press the spacebar to capture just a window.
  7. Command + Shift + Control + 4: Capture a selection of screen to clipboard, or press the spacebar to capture the just a window.
  8. Command + Shift + [+]: Zoom out
  9. Command + Shift + [-] : Zoom in
  10. Command + Spacebar: Spotlight
  11. Command + Tab: switch between windows ; Command+Shift+ Tab: navigate in reverse direction ( and when we press Q, it will close respective tab).
  12. Control + Tab: navigate Tabs, Control+Shift+Tab: navigate in reverse direction.
  13. Command+[:]: display spelling and grammar window.
  14. Command+[;]: find mis-spelled word in the document.
  15. Command+[,]: open front application - preference window.
  16. Command + D: bookmark current page
  17. Command+G: find next occurrence of selection, Command + Shift + G: find previous occurrence of selection.
  18. Command + Z: undo, Command + Shift+Z: redo
  19. Command + Option + ESC: Choose force quit an application.
  20. Command + Shift + Option + ESC ( hold for 3 sec) force quit front most application.
  21. Command + 'Left bracket' [ : Previous browser web page
  22. Command + 'Right bracket' ] : Next browser web page
  23. Delete: backward delete, fn+Delete: forward delete.
  24. Command + Shift + Q: Logout, Command+Shift+Option+Q: logout immediately.
  25. Finder Shortcuts:
    1. Select All: Command + A
    2. De-select All: Command + Option +A
    3. Open Application Folder: Command + Shift +A
    4. Duplicate selected Item: Command+D
    5. Open Desktop Folder: Command + Shift +D
    6. Show View option: Command + J
    7. Connect to server: Command +K
    8. Open network window: Command + Shift +K
    9. Make aliases of selected items: Command +L
    10. Minimize window: Command +M
    11. Minimize all window: Command +Option +M
    12. New finder window: Command +N
    13. New Folder: Command +Shift +N
    14. Close curent tab: command + W, re-open closed tabs: command +Z
    15. New browser Window: Command + N
    16. command + Q: close safari window and all tabs.
    17. Go to end of line: Command + Right arrow
    18. Go to beginning of line: Cmd-left arrow
    19. Go to end of all the text: Cmd-down arrow
    20. Go to beginning of all the text:Cmd-up arrow
    21. Go to end of current or next word: Option-right arrow
    22. Go to beginning of current or previous word: Option-left arrow
  26. Finder PathBar and few handy functions (The finder PathBar is disabled by default, but it's very simple to enables it: 'Open Finder Window' > 'Select show PathBar from the view menu' > 'The PathBar will now display in all finder window'):
    1. Double clicking any of the folder in PathBar will take you to that folder.
    2. We can move files and folders to any element in PathBar by simply dragging and dropping them.
      1. We can copy them by holding the option key as we drag them.
      2. or create an alias to an item by holding down the Command + Option keys while we drag them.
  27. Terminal:
    1. Show hidden files on mac:
      1. $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
      2. $ killall Finder
    2. Disable Lion/Mountain Lion's Pop-up Accent Window:
      1. $ defaults write -g ApplePressANdHoldEnabled -bool false
    3. Change the Default Backup Periods in Time Machine
      1. [This makes Time Machine backup now every 30 mins = 30*60 secs]$sudo defaults write /System/Library/Launch Daemons/ StartInterval -int 1800
    4. Drag Dashboard Widgets onto the Desktop (like windows 7)
      1. $ defaults write devmode YES
    5. Change the file format of Screenshots (default is PNG): 
      1. $ defaults write type file-extension [replace file-extension with three letter abbreviated word JPEG for JPG, PDF]
    6. Kill the Dashboard all together
      1. $ defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES
      2. Then restart the Dock using the command $ killall Dock
    7. Securely erase free space: When we delete files on our mac, OS-X still leaves fragments of the file all over the free space on our hard disk drive, until these are written over by new files. if you want to securely delete all the remaining fragments on a hard disk drive (for eg. if we are going to sell our mac) then execute the following command:
      1. [replace name-of-drive with the drive we want to erase. This command uses a special algorithm to wipe over each free area of space 35 times, far above the US Dept of Defense's standard, which only requires 7 passes. Be aware through that this process can take days on larger drives] $ diskutil secureErase freespace 3 /Volumes/name-of-drive
    8. Remote Login: Being able to control your Mac remotely via SSH, or secure shell, is far more advantageous that screen sharing as it uses less system resources and less bandwidth. The first thing we will have to do is enable Remote Login on our Mac, which we can do by heading over the 'System Preferences' then 'Sharing' then Click on 'Remote Login'. 
      1. $ ssh -l username remote-address [replace username with your username you use to log into OS X and remote-address with the IP-address given to you in the sharing pane. You can now control your Mac and execute Terminal commands remotely, a real plus.
    9. Talking Mac: $ say command [eg. say Hello World !] The words will be spoken in your Mac's default voice but if we want to change this, then simply head over to System Preferences then either Dictation and Speech (on Mountain Lion) or simply Speech (on Lion). Here you can select different voices and download new one from Apple's servers if you fancy. Another "useful" feature is the ability to convert an entire text file into speech, if you so fancy. Simply enter: $ say -o audio.aiff -f FILENAME.txt  [replace FILENAME.txt with your own file. This will create a reading of your file as an AIFF file audio.aiff in Terminal's default directory].
    10. Stop / kill server instance:
      1. Control +z : (sig 3+ signal but it will not clear the instance process id)
      2. Control +c : (Kill and clear instance as well)
    11. Enable root
      1. terminal: $ sudo -s
      2. Enable from Mac GUI
        1. Open user and group preferences, click login options, then click the lock icon to unlock it. If necessary they your password then click unlock.
        2. In the Network Account Server Section, click Join or Edit.
        3. Click open Directory Utility.
        4. Click the lock icon to unlock it, then enter your administrator name and password.
        5. Do one of the following:
          1. Choose Edit > Enable Root User, then enter a root user password in the password and verify fields.
          2. Choose Edit > Disable Root User.
          3. Choose Edit > Change Root Password, then enter a new root user password.
    12. sudo interactive shell
      1. interactive shell: $ sudo -i
      2. exit interactive shell: $ exit +Enter    or   ^D ( Control + D)
  28. MAC OS X Tips:
    1. Shift + Click 'Maximize button' to fill screen.
    2. use $ purge command to force release unused blue memory.
    3. Remove icon from menu bar: hold command key, click icon, drag it off menu bar.
    4. Go to Libary folder ( ~/Library ) or (~/Application).
    5. Finder SideBar, open finder , and click 'Show SideBar', we can create shortcut of our folder for easy access.
    6. Control the apps that Launch at startup, this will reduce mac startup time: 'System & Preferences' > 'User and Groups' > then look for 'Login Items' button ( those are the apps that launch for me).
    7. Lock Macbook: To do this, head to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General. Check the box next to “Require Password” and set an interval that meets your workflow. If you want the highest level of security, set it to “immediately”, following are 2 ways:
      1. Lock Screen: To lock your Mac’s screen, simultaneously press the following keys: Control + Shift + Eject. If you have a newer Mac that doesn’t have an optical drive(and thus has no eject key on the keyboard, such as the Retina Macbook Pro), the command is Control + Shift + Power.
      2. Sleep the Mac entirely: MacBook owners are familiar with sleep; it occurs every time they shut their computer’s lid, or automatically after a user-defined period of time. But users can also trigger an immediate sleep state with a simple keyboard command: Command + Option + Eject. Optical drive-less Mac owners can repeat the substitution discussed above and replace the Eject key with the Power key, resulting in a command for Retina Macbook Pro owners, et al. of Command + Option + Power.
  29. KeyChain: 
    1. identityserviced wants to use the "Local Items" keychain: delete the keychain entries under following folder " ~/Libarary/Keychains/" and restart the system.

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