Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New in Spring 3

Changes in Spring 3

The framework modules have been revised and are now managed separately with one source-tree per module jar:
1. org.springframework.aop
2. org.springframework.beans
3. org.springframework.context
5. org.springframework.expression
6. org.springframework.instrument
7. org.springframework.jdbc
8. org.springframework.jms
9. org.springframework.orm
10. org.springframework.oxm
11. org.springframework.test
12. org.springframework.transaction
13. org.springframework.web
14. org.springframework.web.portlet
15. org.springframework.web.servlet
16. org.springframework.web.struts
Note: The spring.jar artifact that contained almost the entire framework is no longer provided.

We are now using a new Spring build system as known from Spring Web Flow 2.0. This gives us:
1. Ivy-based "Spring Build" system
2. consistent deployment procedure
3. consistent dependency management
4. consistent generation of OSGi manifests

Overview of new Features
This is a list of new features for Spring 3.0. We will cover these features in more detail later in this section.
• Spring Expression Language
• IoC enhancements/Java based bean metadata
• General-purpose type conversion system and field formatting system
• Object to XML mapping functionality (OXM) moved from Spring Web Services project
• Comprehensive REST support
• @MVC additions
• Declarative model validation
• Early support for Java EE 6
• Embedded database support

Core APIs updated for Java 5:
BeanFactory interface returns typed bean instances as far as possible:
• T getBean(Class requiredType)
• T getBean(String name, Class requiredType)
• Map getBeansOfType(Class type)

Spring's TaskExecutor interface now extends java.util.concurrent.Executor.
• extends AsyncTaskExecutor supports standard Callables with Futures.

New Java 5 based converter API and SPI:
• stateless ConversionService and Converters
• superseding standard JDK PropertyEditors
Typed ApplicationListener

Spring Expression Language:
Spring introduces an expression language which is similar to Unified EL in its syntax but offers significantly more features. The expression language can be used when defining XML and Annotation based bean definitions and also serves as the foundation for expression language support across the Spring portfolio.

The Spring Expression Language was created to provide the Spring community a single, well supported expression language that can be used across all the products in the Spring portfolio.

The following is an example of how the Expression Language can be used to configure some properties of a database setup
This functionality is also available if you prefer to configure your components using annotations:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
public class RewardsTestDatabase {
   public void setDatabaseName(String dbName) { … }
    public void setKeyGenerator(KeyGenerator kg) { … }
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The Inversion of Control (IoC) container:
• Java based Bean metadata
Some core features from the JavaConfig project have been added to the Spring Framework now. This means that the following annotations are now directly supported:
Here is an example of a Java class providing basic configuration using the new JavaConfig features:
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package org.example.config;
public class AppConfig {
   private @Value("#{jdbcProperties.url}") String jdbcUrl;
   private @Value("#{jdbcProperties.username}") String username;
   private @Value("#{jdbcProperties.password}") String password;

   public FooService fooService() {
      return new FooServiceImpl(fooRepository());
   public FooRepository fooRepository() {
      return new HibernateFooRepository(sessionFactory());
   public SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
      // wire up a session factory
      AnnotationSessionFactoryBean asFactoryBean = new AnnotationSessionFactoryBean();
    // additional config
   return asFactoryBean.getObject();
   public DataSource dataSource() {
      return new DriverManagerDataSource(jdbcUrl, username, password);
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To get this to work you need to add the following component scanning entry in your minimal application context XML file.

Or you can bootstrap a @Configuration class directly using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext:
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public static void main(String[] args) {
   ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
   FooService fooService = ctx.getBean(FooService.class);
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• Defining bean metadata within components:
@Bean annotated methods are also supported inside Spring components. They contribute a factory bean definition to the container.

• The Data Tier: Object to XML mapping functionality (OXM) from the Spring Web Services project has been moved to the core Spring Framework now

• The Web Tier: The most exciting new feature for the Web Tier is the support for building RESTful web services and web applications. There are also some new annotations that can be used in any web application.
      o Comprehensive REST support:
Server-side support for building RESTful applications has been provided as an extension of the existing annotation driven MVC web framework. Client-side support is provided by the RestTemplate class in the spirit of other template classes such as JdbcTemplate andJmsTemplate. Both server and client side REST functionality make use of HttpConverters to facilitate the conversion between objects and their representation in HTTP requests and responses.
The MarshallingHttpMessageConverter uses the Object to XML mapping functionality mentioned earlier.
    o @MVC additions:
A mvc namespace has been introduced that greatly simplifies Spring MVC configuration.
Additional annotations such as @CookieValue and @RequestHeaders have been added.

• Declarative Model Validation: Several validation enhancements, including JSR 303 support that uses Hibernate Validator as the default provider.

• Early Support for Java EE 6:
We provide support for asynchronous method invocations through the use of the new @Async annotation (or EJB 3.1's @Asynchronous annotation). JSR 303, JSF 2.0, JPA 2.0, etc

• Support for embedded database: Convenient support for embedded Java database engines, including HSQL, H2, and Derby, is now provided.

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