Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oracle Middleware BPM/SOA Installation (windows)

  • Remove unused Oracle Service from Windows: SC DELETE <Service_Name> // example: [SC delete OracleXEClrAgent]
  • Edit - Windows Advance Environment Variable: $ control sysdm.cpl (when windows not letting us open through GUI interface)
  1. Depending on your environment download software from Oracle Site to your archive directory, I use "C:\CCC\BPM" and extract them appropriately following below steps.
  2. Install Database: C:/Oracle/11GR2
    1. Download Oracle Express 11GR2 Unzip the download and run the DISK1/setup.exe.
      1. C:\CCC\Downloads\OracleXE112_Win32\DISK1>setup.exe

      2. Provide password as "Pa$$w0rd123" for SYS /SYSTEM user for XE Database.

      3. Wait for Registry Editor Exception pop up from database installation, workaround is to Open Registry Editor : > Run > regedit.
        1. You need to locate this folder : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT → Installer → Products → 266B7A503.... → SourceList → Media
        2. Update Edit Setting for 1 value as "C:\Users\adixit3034c\{14124099-3BB7-4193-B542-060982F831BF}\KEY_XE.reg".
      4. Save changes and complete installation.
    2. Oracle XE 11.2 Win 32 : note this is only good for Windows * 32 bit system.
      1. Once you are done with Installation of Oracle XE, you must update database parameters. Set the processes parameter to >=500 using the following instructions.
      2. CONN[ECT] [{logon | / | proxy} [AS {SYSOPER | SYSDBA}]] where
        1. logon has the syntax: username[/password] [@connect_identifier]
        2. proxy has the syntax: proxy user[username] [/password] [@connect_identifier]
      3. Login to sqlplus & run following commands(SQLPLUS SYS AS SYSDBA)
        1. SQL> show parameter session
        2. SQL> show parameter processes
        3. SQL> alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*';
        4. SQL> alter system set processes=500 scope=spfile;
        5. SQL> shutdown immediate
        6. SQL> startup
        7. SQL> show parameter session
        8. SQL>show parameter processes
    3. Oracle 11G R2 Database - Win 64: 
      1. If Screen disappear after selecting Desktop class as system class, you have following 2 options:
        1. setup -jreLoc C:\YYY\java\jdk1.6.0_45
        2. if above one does not work then while installing DB select only install database only and then create a database :)
    4. To start / stop oracle database in windows: start / stop following services ['Control Panel' > 'Administrative Tools' > 'Services'] or can use command $ net start <Service_Name>
    5. Use command ($ lsnrctl status) to check status.
  3. Schema Configuration: RCU 
    1. Unzip and navigate to RCUHome/bin and open a command window and run rcu.bat.
      1. Note: If you want to use Oracle XE as your database, you need to set the RCU_JDBC_TRIM_BLOCKS environment variable to true*prior* to running RCU.
    2. The BAT file return to command prompt immediately and after a few seconds 'Repository Creation Utility Opens' ( if you just ran the utility to drop the schema , it open second time comparatively quickly)
    3. Fill the fields according to your environment:
      1. Database type: Oracle
      2. Host Name: LocalHost
      3. Port: 1521
      4. Service Name: XE
      5. Username: SYS
      6. Password: Pa$$w0rd
      7. Role: SYSDBA
    4. Select Components from RCU that you want to install, we will target MDS for metadata and all SOA/ BPM Components.
    5. When prompted i give same password for all Schema and move next.
    6. Click Next.
    7. Click on create to create tablespace, this takes around 2 mins and after completion will display summary page as below:
    8. Close the Window, this step created Schema required for Metadata & SOA / BPM.
  4. Weblogic Installation: C:/Oracle/Middleware (WLS1036_Generic.jar * 64 bit)
  5. Installing SOA BPM Suite:
    1. Once the database is configured, and WebLogic is installed now you can now install the SOA server into the Oracle Home on the WebLogic server. Extract, at C:\Pradeep\OracleDownloads (this can be any path where you want to extract these zip files)
    2. execute: setup.exe -jreLoc C:\YYY\java\jdk1.6.0_45
    3. Wait for installation to finish, it will take a few minutes, in the end click on Finish. 
  6. Install JDeveloper: C:/Oracle/JDev
    1. Once installation is complete open Jdeveloper and follow below steps:
      1. Select > Help > Check for updates, click on Next.
      2. Select search update centers and select oracle fusion middleware products.
      3. Click on next. The system will search the update center for extensions.
      4. Select all SOA and BPM Updates.
      5. Restart the JDeveloper.
  7. Domain Creation:
    1. This step describes detail for configuring the weblogic server domain for the SOA Server.
    2. In the command window enter: $ MiddlewareHome/Oracle_SOA1/common/bin/
    3. Name Domain Name (base_domain):
    4. domain username and password: weblogic / weblogic123
    5. Update schema credentials: in our case all schema have same passwords:
    6. Select Admin Server and fill Admin server details and click next.

    7. When the configuration wizard's welcome screen comes up, select create a new weblogic domain and then click on next.
    8. Memory Setting: (Important otherwise domain won't come up):
      1. Update: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\setSOADomainEnv.cmd
        1. [set DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m –Xmx718m]
                                                     Completed SOA & BPM Installation

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