Monday, March 1, 2010

JAX-RS RESTful Web Service - Jersey

Web Services: A software system designed to support Interoperable machine to machine interaction.

SOAP Web Service: SOAP/XML-Based Web Services

  • Complex
  • Exchange Bloat

Restful Web Services (A SOAP Alternative)Why?

  • Still language / platorm independent = interoperability
  • Simpler / Easier - based on well known Web paradigm
    • Bring back the "Web" in Web services.
  • Can be more concise
    • Clients can choose their data format (XML, XHTML, JSON, etc)
  • Cacheable results (WWW paradigm).

SOA vs other-OAs
Comparisions to SOAP-based Web Services may be inappropriate. Both address particular needs.
> SOAP based Web Services are SOA.
> SOA in WS-* form
> An architecture loaded by standards.
> Restful Web Service are REST or Web Oriented Architecture.
> ROA or WOA
> An architecture style
> Web sites for machines vs Web Sites for humans.

REST = Representation State Transfer
> Term and idea introduced in 2000 in Phd dissertation by Roy Fielding.
> Fielding was a coauthor of HTTP
> Co-founder of Apache HTTP Server project.
> REST concepts originated with WWW and pre-date SOAP Web Services.

> At the heart of REST is the concept of a Resource.
> A resource is a thing - anything you can conceive.
> Any coherent and meaningful concept
> You, me , all of us
> An account
> An order
> A stock
> A health record
> A hotel reservation
> book.

Resource = Noun:
RESTful Web Service developers are fond of suggesting resources are typically expressed by nouns.

> A representation is a document that captures the current state of a resource.
> For example, an HTML Web page document with information (state) about a book you are interested in.
> So REST is about the transfer (request and response) of respresentation of resources.

> Each resource must be identified.
> Uniform Resource Identifier (URIs) are used to identify resources.
> More specifically, URL's are used in Web-based REST systems.
> They identify where and what resource is available.

The WWW and REST
> So you are already use REST today!
> When you are browsing the WWW, you request the representation of a resource state via URL
> Resource state like:
> Stock prices for stocks.
> Cost / availability of a room.
> Course catalog from a school
> Typically , you (or more precisely your browser) asks for the representation in the form of 
> Images
> Other MIME types

Representation Formats:
> While humans are intersted in browser understood and displayable representations , machines are not.
> Machines are more typically intersted in more structred document representations of resources.
> JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
> Could even be SOAP (but not usually)
> The type of format of requested representation is often suggested in the REST request URL, eg:

REST Verbs:
> When doming Web-based REST, HTTP methods are used to identify what you want done with /to the resource state.
> GET: the most common , suggest the client would like to receive the latest representation of the resource state.
> POST: provides the state for the creation of a new resource
> Typically, the state data is provided in the body of the HTTP POST requst message.
> DELETE: requests the removal of a resource.
> PUT: provides the new state for the update of a resource's state.
> Again, typically , state data is also provided in the body of the HTTP PUT request message.
> RESTful developers akin the HTTP methods to the verbs acting on the nouns (resources).

Some REST Examples
Stock Quote Fetch (XML)
GeoName-Country Data fetch

RESTful Web Services in Java
> Implementaiton Options:
> Servlets
> Roll your own
> Restlet Open Source projects
> Was designed to process SOAP message
> Retrofitted to allow most of the SOAP message processing to be by passed. Consider a clumsy and inconvenient solution.
> It is relatively recent addition to the Java community. The final release of the specification (JAX-1.0) occourred in Oct 2008.
> JAX-RS maps URIs, HTTP methods and MIME content type negotiation to annotated POJOs.

> A with all Java specification, JAX-RS must be implemented.
> The jersey project ( is Sun's reference implemenation of JAX-RS 1.0
> Jersey is already part of Glassfish
> Jersey (and by default the JAX-RS specification / API) are part of Java EE 6.
> Jersey is not , however , the only JAX-RS implementation.
> Resteasy is an implemetation of JAX-RS by JBoss.

Jersey Setup:
> As Jersey is not a part of most Java runtime environments at this time, you must first get Jersey and make it a part of your project.
> Download Jersey from
> The Download includes several Jersey libraries (see the lib folder) to include the Jersey core, core server, Jersey Client, etc.
> Jersey is also dependent on many third party jars too like asm.jar ( a bytecode manipulation framework) and jettison.jar (API which read and write JSON).
> The required JAR files are all in the downloaded zip file.
> With Jersey added to your project, you must add the Jersey adapter Servlet to your web.xml file.
> The adapter servlet route REST traffic to the appropriate RESTful Web Service POJO/JavaBean.
> Open your application's web.xml file and add the following <servlet> element.
<servlet-name>JerseyAdapterServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer</servlet-class>
> You must also add a <servlet-mapping> element to map the appropriately designated requests to the servlet and thus to the RESTful WebService beans.
> The URL pattern is up to you, however many developers choose the /resources/* pattern (as shown below) which aligns with the idea of requesting REST resources.
> An additional <init-params> element must also be added to the <servlet> element above.
> However, a better understanding of the RESTful services is needed before adding this element.
JAX-RS Services
> Using JAX-RS, REST resources are POJO.
> The POJOs are annotated with @Path
> @Path takes one argument, the argument identifies the relative request URL path to which the resource responds.
public class HelloWorldResource{
> The @Path annotation and most annotation discussed here can be found in the package.

RESTful Service Path:
> The URI path to the RESTful POJO is relative to the base URI of the server, context root of the WAR, and the URL pattern for the Jersey adapter servlet.
> So assuming the POJO was in a MyWebApp War, a URL request to this HelloWorldResource might look like following:
> http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp/resources/helloworld
> Paths are automatically encoded. So a @Path["/hello world"] is the same as @Path("/hello%20world").
> Paths may use wild cards and regular expressions to assist in mapping.

RESTful Operations
> Add annotations (@GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE, @HEAD) to the resource methods to indicate what should be invoked for each type of HTTP request.
public class HelloWorldResource{
public String sayHello(){
return "Hello World";
> Methods that are annotated with @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE and @HEAD are called resource methods.
> These methods must be declared public.
> if a resource methods returns void , the response to the client will be an empty HTTP method body with a 204 status code (request successfully processed).
> By default, the resources return text/plain, However, the @Produces annotation can be used to specify the MIME type of response.
> It can also be placed on the resource methods to overrid any class @Produces setting.



public class HelloWorldResource{
public String sayHello(){
return "Hello World";

public String echoHello(@PathParam("msg") String message) {
return "You said: " + message;
Installed to Tomcat with Web.xml

public class HelloWorldResource{
@GET @PATH("/text")
public String sayHello(){
return "Hello World";

@POST @PATH("{msg}")
public String echoHello(@PathParam("msg") String message) {


> Resources may also be sent information (as part of the HTTP request body) by the client.
> The @Consumes annotation works in a fashion similar to @Produces but for incoming rather than outgoing MIME types.
> @Consumes specifies which MIME types can be accepted or consumed by the resources.
> Like @Produces , it can be specified on the class or method level (where it overrides the class annotation setting).
> if a resource is unable to consume the MIME type of a client request, the runtime sends back an HTTP 415 error (Unsupported Media Type).
public void respondToMessage(String message) {

Path Parameters:
> THe URL path may contain variables. The variables are substitued at runtime in order to provide the resource with additional information.
> Variable are denoted by curly braces in the @Path annotation @Path("/helloworld/{username}")
> Make sure servlet mapping takes into account any extra data passed via the URL parameters. <url-pattern>/resources/*</url-pattern>
> Without the "*" in the url-pattern, the additional data is interpreted as part of the URL causing the request to miss it's intended target resources.
> Regular expressions can be used in the variable declaration to constrain valid character data. @Path("/helloworld/{username:[A-Z][a-A-Z]}")
> In this example, the username must start with an uppercase character and then include any number/anycase of charactes after that.
> If an requset of the resource, the username provided in the URL does not match the regular expression template then a 404 (Not Found) error is the response.
> In other words, sending the wrong data is as good as if the resource is not there.
> If multiple variable are needed, seperate the curly braced variables with a "/". @Path("/helloworld/{firstName}/{lastName}")

Query String Parameters
> Query String parameters can be extraccted with the @QueryParam annotation.
> In a fashion to the use of @PathParam, use the @QueryParam annotation in front of any method parameter.
public class HelloWorldResource {
public String sayHello(QueryParam("username") String username) {
return "Hello "+ username;
> the method parameter will be set to the query string parameter by the same name. http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp/resources/helloworld?username=Anup

Other Parameters:
> In fact there are six type of parameter that you can extract data from using annotation.
> You have already seen path parameters and query parameters.
> In addition , you can extract data from form parameters, cookie parameters, header parameters and matrix parameters using the following annotations.
Parameter JAX-RS Annotation
HTML form parameter @FormParam
HTTP Header parameter @HeaderParam
HTTP Cookie parameter @CookieParam
Matrix URL parameter @MatrixParam

> The Java architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) allows Java objects to be marshaled and unmarshaled in/out of XML.
> It is used heavily in JAX-WS for SOAP-based Web Services.
> JAXB annotations can be used with JAX-RS to marshal and unmarshal your java types to XML for RESTful Web Services producing or using XML.
> For Eg, consider the following JAXB annotated type.
public class Student {
private int id;
private String name;
private String grade;
//getters and setters removed for brevity.
> In order to return JAXB produced XML documents of the Student type, simply have your RESTful service produce an instance of that type.
public class StudentResource{
public Student getStudent(@QueryParam("id") int studentid) {
Studnet student = // work to retrieve Student object by id
return student;
> Likewise use any of the parameter annotations with a Student type parameter to have JAX-RS use JAXB to unmarshal XML data into object form.

> In similar fashion , JAX-RS provides libraries to automatically marshal and unmarshal in JSON format (lighter than XML payload)!
> Just change the @Produces to "application/json" and magically JAX-RS provides the same data in JSON format.
public Student getStudent(@QueryParam("id") int studentid) {
Student student = // work to retrieve Student object by id 
return student;
> Some of the other JAX-RS implementations support additional representations.
> For example, Resteasy supports Atom.
> {"grade":"A+";"id":"12","name":"Anup"}

Resource Lifecycle:
> By default , ther JAX-RS environment creates an instance of the resource (the JAX-RS POJO) for each request.
> The resource can be configured for two other lifecycles.
> Use the @Singleton annotation on the resource to indicate a single instance should be reused for all resquests.
import com.sun.jersey.spi.resource.Singleton;
public class HelloWorldResource {
> Use @PerSession to indicate that a new instance should be created and reused for each client session.
> It should be noted that these last two annotation are Jersey implementation are not definted in JAX_RS.
> Note the com.sun.jersey package names
import com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.PerSession;
public class HelloWorldResource {

JAX-RS Resource Deployment
> Once you have your JAX-RS resource constructed, you must inform the JAX-RS adapter servlet of your resource.
> There are several options for identifying resources.
> The simplest way is to provide an <init-param> to the Jersey Adapter Servlet.
> The init-param provides the adapter with a list of packages containing JAX-TS anntotated resources.

JAX-RS Clients:
> The JAX-RS specification does not specify how to build a client.
> In Java one could use existing client API such as, URLConnection or HTTPClient.
> Of course since REST operates simply over the web usring HTTP etc, a simple browser can be used to test RESTful service.
> However, many of the JAX-RS implementation provides a Client API.
> The Jersey JAX-RS implementatioon comes with a client API, here is a small sample application to call on the HelloWorldResource.
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.core.util.MultivaluedMapImpl;

public class StudentClient {
public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception  {
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource wr = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp/resources/helloworld");
MultivaluedMap qps = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
qps.add("username", "Anup");
String s = wr.queryParams(qps).get(String.class);

System.out.println("Your RESTful Response: "+ s);
> Jersey's Client Object is the main configuration point for building a RESTful web service client.
> WebResources as its name implies , represents the RESTful resource to the client.
> The client API comes replete with capability to pass all types of parameters and data in the body of the request message and to extract data from the resonse.
> Notice the Jersey packages, Again the client side API is not by specification.

Before Adopting REST - JAX-RS
No REST for the Weary:
> REST is not a standard. REST follows conventions.
> It uses well understood paradigms and standards of the Web (HTTP, URLs etc)
> Your REST may not be my REST.
> Assumes point-to-point communications.
> It is a client / server model.
> Doesn't support distributed computing model well.
> Generally speaking, it's bound to HTTP.
> Fielding's paper didn't say it had to be.
> Supporting WWW infrastructure makes it difficult to use else where.
> Not everyting fits well into GET/POST/... (CRUD) activity.
> REST "Verbs" don't always fit additional application semantics.
> Can be overcome, but not always clean.
> Asynchronous Activity - ???
> Client can send callback location
> Services provide drop ship location
> Transaction - ???
> Security - ???
> HTTPS anyone
> Service Descriptions and Registeries (a la WSDL and UDDI)
> WSDL - Clumsy - Web Service Descriptor Language.
> WADL - Web Application Description Language.

Ques 01: Can you address security in RESTful services?
Ans  01: Security: Since most RESTful Web services rely on HTTP, you can use HTTPS and/or existing HTTP mechanisms to secure your RESTful Web services.  By design, RESTful Web services are lighter-weight that their SOAP counterparts.  Therefore, the kinds of security standards that exist in WS-* specifications are formally available in RESTful settings.  Some RESTful advocates suggest RESTful Web services are actually more secure because they rely on the Internet’s existing security infrastructure

Ques 02: How is Jersey ( JAX_RS)  different than Servlet based REST mechanism like Restlet. I can see Jersey has AdapterServlet too? Is Jersey  based on Servlet too then?
Ans  02: Jersey is an JAX-RS implementation.  RESTlet is a way to provide RESTful services in Java, but it is not guided by any standard.  In JAX-RS, your RESTful resource services are implemented as annotated POJO’s.  In RESTlet, the resource service classes extend ServerResource so some consider this a bit of a burden and intrusive.
The RESTlet group does now have an extension package with allows implements the JAX-RS specification.  See here for more details.
Per part 2 of your question, yes a servlet does act as a controller to route traffic to the appropriate annotated Jersey resource service.  In that way, both RESTlet and Jersey are similar in their reliance of servlet technology.

Ques 03: What is the best way to supply the request=GetCapabilities for REST that one has in SOAP or WMS services to communicate meta-data of REST services?
Ans  03: Many RESTful advocates would say the "conventions" associated with RESTful services makes a capabilities listing unnecessary.  That is, the resource as noun and HTTP method as verb make the services very transparent and easy to work with.

Ques 04: Can we run a rest web service using https protocol?
Ans  04: Yes

Ques 05: How about Spring and REST?
Ans  05: As of Spring 3.0, Spring offers RESTful API, but it is not JAX-RS compliant.  See here for details.  In general, Spring makes use of the annotated MVC controllers to serve as RESTful resources.

Ques 06: Is there a way to override the HTTP return error and give more detail?
Ans  06: Yes – to some extent.  For how to modify the message returned from the Jersey implementation see

Ques 07 : is there simple/lightweight authentication capabilities with restful web services?
Ans  07 : Per #1, again nothing formal is provided, but there are some 3rd party packages sprouting up and all the standard Web authentication mechanisms could be used.


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