All application installed in directory "/Application", same of intelliJ as "/Application/IntelliJIdeaXX" where XX stands for version for us XX is 14 ("/Application/IntelliJIdea14").
XX : 14
Follow these steps for a complete removal
- Goto /Application/<ApplicationName> directory right click or drag and move to trash, for some reason if we are not able to delete then run command from terminal window [rm -rf /Application/IntelliJIdea14 as user / or as super user ( sudo) ].
- Goto the following directory where ‘username’ is your username and AppName will be something like ‘jetbrains.intellij’ /Users/username/Library/Preferences/AppName
- remove all residue files [~ is user home directory /Users/username]:
- ~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdeaXX
- ~/Library/Logs/IntelliJIdeaXX
- ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX
- ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.appname.plist
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.jetbrains.intellij.plist
- ~/Library/Preferences/com.jetbrains.intellij.plist.lockfile
- ~/Library/Caches/com.jetbrains.intellij
- ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.jetbrains.intellij.savedState
- /Library/Preferences/AppName
- /Library/Preferences/com.appname.plist
- /Library/Application Support/AppName
- Also clear any files from location ~/.intellij folder or something similar in your home directory.
Installing Intelli J to use JDK 7 /JDK 8
Open Info.plist in an editor and make following changes and save and exit.$ vi /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA
change to
and make sure we have LANG=en_US.UTF-8 in our environment.
Intelli J Shortcut
Check Port bind exception:
1. We can try $ netstat -anp tcp | grep 8080
2. If our netstat doesn't support -p, use lsof then try $ lsof -i tcp:8080
3. to free up run $ kill -9 processId.
- Search everywhere with Double Shift Click.
- Open a file name with 'Shift'+ 'Command'+'O'.
- Open recent Files with 'Command'+'E'.
- Open Navigation Bar with 'Command'+'up arrow'.
- Drag and drop files here from Finder.
- Search for a java method in a java class: 'Fn'+'Command'+'F12'.
- Control+space: completion (shift: smart)
- Command+O to navigate to any class
- Option+F7 : Edit /find/find usage
- F1: quick documentation
- Command+B: navigate declaration
- Command+F12: Navigate File structure
- Shift+F6: refactor / rename
- Control+o: code override methods
- Control+I: code implements method of interface
- Command+N [code generation]
- Option +F1:
- F12: moves the focus from editor to last focus tool window
- Option+Command+T: Code / surround with
- Navigate implementation of abstract method: option+command+B
- Option+up arrow: extend selection.
- Option+Command+V: simplify complicated statement (refractor / extract / variable)
- Comment(s):Command+/ and option+command+/
- Browser with documentation: shift+F1
- Command+D: duplicates
- Command+Delete: Delete
- Command+P: paranthesis parameter
- Shift+Command+Delete: Naviagate last editted location - history
- Shift+Command+F7: Edit find highlighted item in file (Command+G and Shift+Command+G: to naviage)
- Control+Shift+Q: view / context info, to see declaration of current method.
- Command+E: view recent files
- F2/Shift+F2: to jump between highlighted syntax error.
- Option+command+up arrow / option+command+down arrow: shortcut to jump between compiler error messages or search option results
- Command+J: live code completion template
- Control+ uparrow / Control+down arrow: to move between methods
- Control+Shift+J: combine two lines
- Shift+Command+V: clipboard paste
- Control+H: inheritance hierarchy of a selected class.
- Option+Command+O: to search a method or a field in a class.
- Option+Shift+C: to quickly review your recent changes to the project
- Control+tilt: View quick switch schemes
- Shift+Command+Enter: to complete a current statement such as if , try catch return etc.
- Option + space: view quick definition
- Option+Shift+Commnad+C:Edit copy reference
- Control+Option+R: access run / debug dropdown on the main toolbar
- Option+Command+F7: Edit find show usage
- Shift+Command+A: Help / Find action
- To quickly find and run an inspection: option+shift+command+I
- Option+Enter: to create test
- Alt: multiple cursor
- Control+K: commit changes
- Command+F: search pane Command+R: replace [Path: Shift]
Check Port bind exception:
1. We can try $ netstat -anp tcp | grep 8080
2. If our netstat doesn't support -p, use lsof then try $ lsof -i tcp:8080
3. to free up run $ kill -9 processId.
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