This is a simple WebLogic SSL configuration. If you’re not using WebLogic with SSL you probably should be. Minimally have SSL setup to encrypt your passwords to the administration consoles. I actually force SSL and disable the standard http listen port. My authentication provider is active directory and I’m using SSL there as well. The node manager is also setup using SSL as are the managed servers (JVMs). I’ll get into all that a bit later.
I’ll be using java’s keytool for all of this. We will create two keystores, one for the identity and one for the trust. You could also use the standard java trust and simply add your root certificates to it.
Some Notes (WebLogic Default Keystore Passwords - In case you want to mess with the demo trust or demo keystore)
Trust store password: DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase
Key store password: DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase
Private key password: DemoIdentityPassPhrase
Java standard trust store password: changeit
Using java keytool:
Create the identity keystore and keypair.
I cd directly to the directory where WebLogic stores its demo trust and demo identity keystores. In my case /opt/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib. My two keystores weblogic_identity.jks and weblogic_identity.jks will be created and stored there.
Create the certificate signing request (CSR):
Create the trust keystore & import the root certificate:
WebLogic WSLT script for SSLThis script will setup the above keystores for your admin and all your managed JVMs.
You should make sure you are using SecureListener=true and add the following:
Set node manager type to SSL
Log into your admin console and make sure node manager type is set to SSL.
After all that make sure you save and activate any changes you made and restart everything and you should be good to go. Rock on…..
Weblogic Cluster SSL:
Change cluster address port
I assign addresses and ports on my cluster page, don’t forget to change the port to your secure port.
Secure Replication
Oh yea, if you disable all your regular listen ports and change cluster communication to use SSL make sure you change your cluster replication to “Secure Replication Enabled” or else things wont work. This setting is under clusters > cluster name > replication. You will see an error similar to:
I’ll be using java’s keytool for all of this. We will create two keystores, one for the identity and one for the trust. You could also use the standard java trust and simply add your root certificates to it.
Some Notes (WebLogic Default Keystore Passwords - In case you want to mess with the demo trust or demo keystore)
Trust store password: DemoTrustKeyStorePassPhrase
Key store password: DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase
Private key password: DemoIdentityPassPhrase
Java standard trust store password: changeit
Using java keytool:
Create the identity keystore and keypair.
I cd directly to the directory where WebLogic stores its demo trust and demo identity keystores. In my case /opt/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib. My two keystores weblogic_identity.jks and weblogic_identity.jks will be created and stored there.
/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -genkey -alias weblogicServer -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore weblogic_identity.jks -dname ",OU=Middleware, O=MyOrg"
You will be asked to create a password for this keystore, so make sure to save it or remember it.Create the certificate signing request (CSR):
/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -certreq -alias weblogicServer -file myhost.csr -keystore weblogic_identity.jks
Take the contents of the myhost.csr and submit it to your internal certificate authority (CA) or another external CA. In my example I get three certificates back. The root certificate, the intermediate certificate and the newly signed certificate we just submitted our CSR for. I get all of these back in base 64 encoding. Once you have these you can begin importing them into the proper keystores.Create the trust keystore & import the root certificate:
/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias myRoot -file /path/to/myRoot.cer -keystore weblogic_trust.jks
Import intermediate certificate to trust keystore/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias entRoot -file /path/to/entRoot.cer -keystore weblogic_trust.jks
Import root certificate to identity keystore/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias myRoot -file /path/to/myRoot.cer -keystore weblogic_identity.jks
Import intermediate certificate to identity keystore:/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias entRoot -file /path/to/entRoot.cer -keystore weblogic_identity.jks
Import signed certicifate to identity keystore:/opt/oracle/middleware/java/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias weblogicServer -file /path/to/mySignedCert.cer -keystore weblogic_identity.jks
That’s all we have to do with keytool. We now have the two java keystores we need to configure Weblogic SSL.WebLogic WSLT script for SSLThis script will setup the above keystores for your admin and all your managed JVMs.
# Read Properties File
# Split if more than one.
WLmgdName = WLmgdNameList.split(',')
# Connect String
# Get your edit on son! DO WORK!
# Admin Server SSL & Keystore
for mgdServer in WLmgdName:
# Managed Server SSL & Keystore
WLST properties file (my.props)username=weblogic
Now you should log into the admin console and change your passwords under Servers SSL and Keystores to use the password I told you to save or remember back at the start of this post. You can probably add the password bits to the script if you want, I’ll have to check that out.Weblogic node manager SSLEdit
You should make sure you are using SecureListener=true and add the following:
These passwords will encrypt on first start.Set node manager type to SSL
Log into your admin console and make sure node manager type is set to SSL.
After all that make sure you save and activate any changes you made and restart everything and you should be good to go. Rock on…..
Weblogic Cluster SSL:
Change cluster address port
I assign addresses and ports on my cluster page, don’t forget to change the port to your secure port.
Secure Replication
Oh yea, if you disable all your regular listen ports and change cluster communication to use SSL make sure you change your cluster replication to “Secure Replication Enabled” or else things wont work. This setting is under clusters > cluster name > replication. You will see an error similar to:
server subsystem failed. Reason: java.lang.AssertionError: No replication server channel for osb_01 java.lang.AssertionError: No replication server channel for osb_01
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