Friday, January 27, 2006

Java logging vs Apache's Commons logging

Here's a comparison between the java logging system and apache commons logging system.

For the lazy ones here's the conclusion:
  • Commons Logging Rocks!
  • Java Logging Sucks!
Why ? Well because:
  • Commons Logging api is better
  • Commons Logging let you choose your logging implementation
  • Commons Logging is bulletproof, production ready, heavily use everywhere
  • Everybody knows Commons Logging
Not convince yet ? Good I like people that don't take things for granted easily ;)

Let's compare the 2 frameworks api:

Java LoggingCommons Logging
Unclear log level: SEVERE > WARNING > INFO > CONFIG (wtf?) > FINE > FINER > FINEST (missing some imagination here ?!)Clear log level using different names: FATAL > ERROR > WARN > INFO > DEBUG > TRACE
No ERROR level! I find it really disturbing especialy since there is a System.err stream for so many yearsThere is an ERROR level
To log an exception:
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
or may be
logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);.
Unclear what Level to use and why do I need to do e.getMessage() it could have been done in the log() method.
Missing simple methods: logger.warning(Throwable t) and logger.severe(Throwable t)
To log an exception: logger.error(e);
To configure either modify the in your JRE/lib folder or set -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/my/folder/
No way to put a conf in the classpath to be automaticaly pick up by the logging framework
Possibility to put an already configured conf file
Create a logger:
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyCLass.class.getName());
Missing method: Logger.getLogger(class)
Create a logger:
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

The good things about Java Logging:
  • Classloader: About the configuration part the way java logging does the configuration is less flexible but might reduce classloader problems that you encounter with commons logging (see: Commons_Logging_FUD)
  • No jars to add, No additional dependency.
Working with Commons Logging api is some much better, simple and easier that I will continue to put those 2 jars in the classpath whenever possible if that's what it takes to use it.

 Reference: Common's Logging Implementation.

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